Sunday, September 16, 2012

He Cannot Tell A Lie

Look at that face, he's way too cute to lie, right?
Well it's true. He's starting to respond with "No" when he really doesn't want something, or want to do something.

We can ask him if he wants to go Night Night.
Do you want a banana?
Can I have kisses?
Do you have poopy diapers?

Unless he is actually stinky. Then he just doesn't respond, he just takes off running. But at least he isn't lying about it.

Also, his obsession with Blue's Clues is growing. As soon as we walk in the door, he starts asking me "Blu? Blu?" And I have to put it on. Then the other day the PlayStation had an update, so I had to play it on the bedroom TV, and he went NUTS when he figured out it would play there too. When the PlayStation was finally done updating, and played it on both, and he was just running back and forth all excited for a bit.

Then Jesse played it for him on his phone. He brought me my iPad requesting for Blue to be played, and now he knows. Anything with a screen should be able to present him with his lovable little Blue. We may need an intervention here soon.

And here's another photo. We were running some errands and it was cutting into nap time, so we got him some chicken nuggets before we were gonna lay him down. 10 minutes later, this is what happened.

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